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4. 施工场地,严禁吸烟,并有各种防火醒目标志,不准携带火柴、打火机和其它火种进入施工场所。
5. 各种电气设备,如照明灯、电机、电气开关等都应防爆。
6. 擦试油漆的沾污棉丝、破布等物品应集中妥善存放在有清水的密闭桶中,避免引起火灾。

Storage, safety use and fire control for paint

1. Work hard in fire control announcement
We should usually teach and check the painter and paint warehouseman by necessary fire control knowledge. Give them a all-around understand of paints’ component, capability, danger of fire. And also let them know how to store and use the paint safely. For the people who always don’t follow the safety instruction, we will retire them. This is the basic for fire control and safety proction.
2. Create good condition for safely storing the paint
The material for building the paint storage must be fireproof. The position of the storage must be far from the place where there may be fire exist, high-handed line, construction project. There should be a person specially assigned for storage. We should adopt fire control, blast control, airiness, lower the temperature and so on, also we must prevent from the paint barrel expanding, paint spreading accident. The warehouseman is with responsibility for paint storage. He must be often air the storage .
3. Attention for fire control ring the painting process
When the painter brush or paint the procts, they should be familiar with the painting environment and they must make sure if there is a fire accident what we should do to put out the fire. During the painting process they should

prevent the procts from knocking, cracking, concussion, rubbing act, so that
we can far away from spark and burning. The painting area must be airiness to avoid high concentration paint steam to reach the lower limit of blast. The painters should wear static banish clothes. We should set enough fire extinguisher to put out the fire if there is a fire accident.
4. It is forbidden to smoke in the painting area, and there should be a sign strike the eye, match and lighter and other kindling are not allowed to take into the painting area.
5. All the electric equipment for example light, electromotor, electric switch act should be done with blast prevented.
6. The rugs and cotton cloth which has been wetted by paint or thinner should be put in a bucket that is filled with water to prevent fire accident.

索邦大学 2024-06-28




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